Price on request
Location:Germany Frankfurt/Main
Placed on:Sep 18, 2023
Capacity:375 t/h
Fuel-Blue Gas / Diesel
Factory type - Batch type factory (Sieve)
A plant that meets modern requirements and is environmentally friendly
Control system -Computer management-PLC
Ready asphalt storage bunkers-3 pieces-total 540t
Shelf life -96 hours (depending on the type of asphalt and weather conditions)
Portable 360 MTPH Double Barrel Plant
1 SPCL-ELEC Non-standard Electrical Voltage
2 ASAP-006 4" Asphalt Unloading Pump, 20HP
3 HACC-1436 4" Piping- Tank to Metering Package
4 HACC- 1440 3" Piping- Metering Package Outlet to Drum
5 HT- 30PD 30 000 Gallon Heli-Tank
6 WM-2000 Weigh Mate 2000 Truck Load out and Management System
7 PCH-27 Pilot Control Center, 11'-6 x 26'-9 1/2
8 PMII-A Continuous Mix Blending Controls with 45" Console
9 PEBH-67 Portable 66,782 CFM Express Baghouse with Inertial Dust Separator
10 PRB-1014-50 Portable 10' x 14' Single Bin Recycle Feed System
11 NG-2-40DB 400 Ton New Generation Storage System
12 PDB-9637 Portable 8'-0" x 37' Double Barrel Drum Mixer
13 PEBH-67 Portable 66,782 CFM Express Baghouse with Inertial Dust Separator
Factory type - Batch type factory (Sieve)
A plant that meets modern requirements and is environmentally friendly
Control system -Computer management-PLC
Ready asphalt storage bunkers-3 pieces-total 540t
Shelf life -96 hours (depending on the type of asphalt and weather conditions)
Portable 360 MTPH Double Barrel Plant
1 SPCL-ELEC Non-standard Electrical Voltage
2 ASAP-006 4" Asphalt Unloading Pump, 20HP
3 HACC-1436 4" Piping- Tank to Metering Package
4 HACC- 1440 3" Piping- Metering Package Outlet to Drum
5 HT- 30PD 30 000 Gallon Heli-Tank
6 WM-2000 Weigh Mate 2000 Truck Load out and Management System
7 PCH-27 Pilot Control Center, 11'-6 x 26'-9 1/2
8 PMII-A Continuous Mix Blending Controls with 45" Console
9 PEBH-67 Portable 66,782 CFM Express Baghouse with Inertial Dust Separator
10 PRB-1014-50 Portable 10' x 14' Single Bin Recycle Feed System
11 NG-2-40DB 400 Ton New Generation Storage System
12 PDB-9637 Portable 8'-0" x 37' Double Barrel Drum Mixer
13 PEBH-67 Portable 66,782 CFM Express Baghouse with Inertial Dust Separator